
My fellow pilgrims,

Accepting the diagnosis of a mental illness or mental disorder is not very easy. It is even more difficult when you’ve gone through multiple traumatic events. Healing comes from having the strength to acknowledge and accept change is necessary for a full and joyful life. Unburdening may require revisiting and reliving your trauma (s) to “peel back” the layers.

If this resonated with you…..welcome.

You are NOT alone, and there is hope. I am not an expert, simply someone who is willing to share her journey. It is my hope that others who have similar experiences will be encouraged to seek professional help or reach out to a close friend. Ultimately, I hope to help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and encourage open dialogue so no one suffers alone.

You can get there. It is hard work and challenging, but very rewarding.

You deserve a life full of joy and love.
I have accepted my emotional scars and am at peace in the knowledge of their healing. So I know that healing is not only probable, but very likely, just take the first step. Then, continue to take tiny steps.
I am grateful to have true friends who listened when I needed to dump and comforted when necessary. They did not feel the need to give advice or tell me to “get over it.” They showed me compassion, care, and love. I have also spent (and still do) time on the “couch” talking through things.

Like spring-cleaning, I have deliberately unpacked, examined, and let go of each trauma; and will continue doing so.

The hardest and most challenging part of my journey is the work I have to do by myself, revisiting events, and feeling those emotions in a safe and healthy way, then processing through reflection.

If no one else understands, I do.

Your fellow pilgrim,


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